Tuesday, December 31, 2013


2013 has been renamed. The Year From Hell.

January started with me in deep Grief over Joshua's death. 

I didn't know how to live life with my baby gone. Then life decided to give me no choice. Haleigh needed emergency surgery to remove her infected expander in February. 

March came and we moved into a house we got scammed by the guy. Yeah. 

In May was Joshua's due date and right after that I found myself pregnant again. 

Shortly there after. Twin girls were announced. 

Then the unthinkable happened AGAIN and I lost. Them. They were gone. 
August was bad. 

In September I had my tubes tied. Cutting any chances of having another baby die. But my arms will forever be missing my babies. 

November came thanksgiving was hard knowing Joshua should be there. 

December came. Joshua's birthday came. 

Then my scheduled section date for the girls came. But their due date is yet to come. 

Christmas came and as I took pictures I realized a glow. My babies in heaven watching my babies on earth. 

So come on 2014! Be better to me than 2013 was!! 

1 comment:

  1. Crystal, My heart breaks reading this post.. I am so sorry that 2013 was terrible. For me, 2013 was a year of infertility followed by a miscarriage and it's so hard to not let those things overshadow the joy I did get to experience. Wishing you joy, peace and many many blessings in 2014 <3
