Tuesday, November 18, 2014

When I get there.

I went to see you today. It was cold. Reminded me of when you were born. I can't believe it's been almost 2 years. I find myself missing parts of those years and wondering where I was when those memories were being made. I was there of course, but most of the time things happen around me and while I am trying to focus on the moments I'm still thinking of you. Of how it should be. How it would be. How you would be. There is no part of me that doesn't want you still. I think the hardest part is realizing that I don't know how long this life without you is. Are my days on earth short or long? Who will go before me and get to hold you? When will I get there?  

Some may say, I shouldn't think like that. But I say, why not? I have so much in heaven just waiting on me. And so much on earth counting on me to be here. I still have Gods work to do on earth before I can move on to worship in heaven. But what a glorious day it will be when all if my tears are wiped away ad I stand before the Lord and he knows my name. How wonderful it will be when I'm at the gates of heaven and they open wide for me, and on the other side stand my children with open arms waiting, for me to join them in heavens grace. 

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