Some of the smallest things mean the most sometimes. I've never been a flower/plant type of person. Most of the Plants I've ever taken care of have died. Except a few ferns that I kept alive for my mother in law, and the plant I got when Joshua was buried. Its a peace lily, Its still alive 8 months later. I also got some cut flowers and of course there is no way to keep those alive longer than 2 weeks, but I found I like having them around, so I had kept flowers on my table for months after Joshua was born. When we moved I slowly stopped buying them and then I was pregnant and sick with the girls and I put the vase away.
After the girls were born I received more flowers and I got the vase back out. There have been flowers on my table since the day I came home from the hospital. The little purple daises, are still looking good. The roses however need to be thrown out and replaced. It's been a week a 2 days since we got those at the service. I hope to get some more today. There is just something refreshing about live flowers on the table. Not something I felt before I had babies with wings.
I also take flowers to the grave. We went out the other day, Just to check on them. Its rains everyday here. I was glad to have their service in the morning time because about 2pm everyday, the bottom falls from the sky and it floods everything. So the service was at 10am, not really hot yet, but the sun was still out. Later that day, in true Gulf Coast fashion it stormed for hours.
When we visited the other day the canopy was still over the grave site. my best guess as to why is because its been so wet, and they wanted to give the dirt time to set before a bunch of rain pounded down on it. All of them are in one plot Joshua it at the top in the middle, the girls are directly below him at his feet. Joshua's sod wasn't moved when we buried the girls but we will have to add more to it. There will be 2 head stones on one slab. Joshua's headstone is now in and I'm not sure if they will lay his before we get the girls or not. It will be a little while, them things are so small yet so expensive.
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